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Solar PV System

Solar PV System

The installation of Solar PV systems, part of the United Nations Development programme’s “Sustainable Communities” programme, is a crucial effort to enhance energy infrastructure and reduce electricity expenses for communities. This initiative

addresses the substantial portion of municipal budgets allocated to electricity, primarily for street lighting, kindergartens, and administrative buildings.

Since its inception in 2021, this initiative has focused on upgrading street lighting systems in various Armenian regions. It also involves the installation of photovoltaic solar (Solar PV) systems with a capacity of 10 KW, which help communities achieve an annual reduction in electricity consumption of up to 12,000 KW units.

To date, the initiative has implemented Solar PV systems in over 20 settlements, with a total investment of approximately 70 million drams. The geographical distribution of these systems spans multiple regions, including Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, and Kotayk. The initiative places a particular emphasis on supporting border settlements.

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