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20 Solar Waterheaters Provided to Gegharkunik Medical Centers

Water Heaters

The UNDP “Sustainable Communities” programme has given a total of 20 solar waterheaters to 6 medical institutions in Gegharkunik region, including the medical centers of Sevan, Gavar, Martuni, Vardenis, Chambarak, and the Martuni Maternity Hospital. This initiative was funded by the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund.

Access to a constant supply of hot water is essential for maintaining high standards of hygiene and sterilization, which reduces the risk of infections. Furthermore, hot water is necessary for various medical procedures, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and quality of medical services.

The “Solar 24-100 Water Heaters” project aims to improve the living and working conditions of public buildings—such as administrative offices, schools, kindergartens, community centers, cultural centers, libraries, and other administrative units managed by regional or community authorities—by ensuring a consistent supply of warm water through solar-powered water heaters.