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Deadline 03-Oct-2024


The Chir-Chir project is coming to Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Aragatsotn

Within the framework of the UNDP “Sustainable Communities” programme, a new training course on “Dried fruits Processing” has been launched. The course is intended for individuals engaged in dried fruit production in the Vayots Dzor, Ararat, and Aragatsotn regions. Its aim is to develop storage and processing methods for dry production farms, contributing to the creation of additional income through enhanced professional capabilities and property investments.

At the end of the one-day course, all participants will receive certificates of participation and take an exam. Based on the exam results, those with the highest scores will be awarded grinders for dry processing and the production of new products by UNDP. Beneficiaries must invest raw materials from their own production for the implementation of the project.

Eligible applicants for the program are individuals aged 18-65 who meet the following criteria:

– Hold citizenship of the Republic of Armenia,
– Have lived in the mentioned settlements for at least three years (only one person per family),
– Have at least three years of work experience in woodworking and produce a minimum of 200 kg of wood,
– Are willing to fulfill the mandatory conditions and requirements set by UNDP.

The program also applies to individuals who became refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 and 2023, are currently residing in the mentioned regions, and are engaged or wish to engage in dry processing.

Individuals who previously participated in the “Chir-Chir” project, received nets, but did not fully comply with the project requirements are not eligible to apply. Please note that family members cannot replace the original applicant.

List of Mandatory Documents
– The application form must be completed online at the end of this announcement.
– Copies of the passport and registration pages, or identification card.
– A certificate confirming the place of residence, which can be obtained from the Municipality or the administrative head of the residence.
– In addition to the above documents, refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh must also submit a certificate confirming refugee status, which can be obtained from the Municipality or the administrative head along with the residence certificate.

To participate in the course, please complete the application form online by October 3, attaching the required documents listed above.

Date and Location of the Event
– Vayots Dzor region — October 9, 10:30-17:30, Meeting Hall of the RA Governor’s Office. Address: Yeghegnadzor, Shahumyan St., Building 5
– Ararat region — October 11, 10:30-17:30, Meeting Hall of the House of Culture. Address: Ararat, Shahumyan St., Building 36
– Aragatsotn region — October 18, 10:30-17:30, Meeting Hall of the Governor’s Office. Address: Ashtarak, Vardges Petrosyan St., Building 4

For any questions, you may contact the “Sustainable Communities” programme’s Facebook page on weekdays.