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A Practical Course in Oyster Mushroom Production with an International Expert

Oyster Mushroom

Within the framework of the UNDP “Sustainable Communities” programme, the beneficiaries of Oyster Mushroom project had the unique opportunity to attend practical training conducted by Khalid Hamid, a professor of mycology and plant pathology at Duke University and a specialist in fungal plant diseases. Professor Hamid, who has many years of university teaching and practical experience, arrived in Armenia as part of the Farmer to Farmer program.

Professor Khalid Hamid visited Pambak in the Vardenis community, specifically the production site of Mher Mheryan, which was established by UNDP “Sustainable Communities” programme with funding from the Russian Federation. During the visit, 19 beneficiaries of the Oyster Mushroom project from the Vardenis and Chambarak communities joined the practical course, had the opportunity to ask the professor questions, and became acquainted with the stages of the production process.

Khalid Hamid explained the nuances of mushroom production using Mher Mheryan’s Oyster Mushroom Production site as an example.

Professor Khalid Hamid also visited the beneficiaries of the Oyster Mushroom project in the Aragatsotn and Kotayk regions, where he assessed the condition of their workshops, provided advice, and discussed ways to increase production volumes.

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