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Beehives and Greenhouses: Support Programmes Launched in Regions

Greenhouse Honey-Money

“Initially, there was skepticism in the communities, but when the residents see the successful examples, they get excited and express their desire to participate. The results of the support programme for beekeeping farms showed that there is a demand to continue it, and now we are starting a new phase. Those interested can get acquainted with the specific details on the Facebook page of the ‘Stable Communities’ programme. I will only add that our compatriots who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh can also apply for the programme,” said Arman Valesyan.

Those who wish to participate in the programme can submit an application and then participate in training courses. Upon successful completion, they will receive practical support in the form of hives. The experts of the ‘Sustainable Communities’ project will provide guidance and advice to the beneficiaries.

Since the programme yielded good results, it was decided to continue it with a new emphasis. In particular, new support will be provided to those residents who participated in the programme during the past two years and became beneficiaries. UNDP ‘Sustainable Communities’ project expert Lusine Balayan noted that they aim to contribute to the creation of small beekeeping farms in rural areas and the development and promotion of production opportunities.

“In the framework of the project, it is planned to provide the selected beneficiaries with equipment, beehives, industrial furniture, and other necessary items for the production of honey and beekeeping products. Additionally, there will be technical, professional, construction, software, and marketing consulting. Training courses will be held,” said Lusine Balayan.

Another programme implemented by UNDP, ‘Greenhouse,’ is also seeking new beneficiaries. Mkhitar Balayan, an expert of the UNDP ‘Sustainable Communities’ programme, informed that in 2023, the initiative was implemented in the Goris community of Syunik Marz, RA. Seven families have already been selected, and 150 square meter greenhouses with all necessary equipment have been installed in their homes. The greenhouses were installed in the settlements of Goris, Verishen, and Goris.

“Currently, the greenhouses are fully equipped and already serve to meet the needs of beneficiary families and earn income. At the end of the season, the mentioned families already received green seeds, which they successfully grew and sold. At the beginning of the season, during the month of April, seedlings of vegetables – tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, and beans – will be provided to start full greenhouse production,” said Mkhitar Balayan.

Now it is planned to continue this support programme in the RA Syunik marz, as well as to attract new beneficiaries from the border settlements of the Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor marzes. Displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh living in the mentioned marzes can apply to participate in the programme.