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Exploring the Potential of Sustainable Income Sources in Villages: A New Production Project in Chambarak

Oyster Mushroom

UNDP is expanding its projects in the rural areas of the regions of Armenia, giving the local residents an opportunity for a sustainable source of income. Satisfactory results of the project for the establishment of dry fruits, honey production and gastroparks implemented earlier in Gegharkunik, Armavir, Aragatsotn, Vayots Dzor, Ararat, and Syunik marzes served as a basis for expanding the geography of support activities, as well as diversifying production. 

At the last stage, emphasis was placed on the production of oyster mushrooms. In 2023, the initiative was implemented in Kotayk and Aragatsotn marzes of RA. 19 people participated in the theoretical and practical training for the production of  oyster mushrooms, during which they gained professional knowledge about  oyster mushrooms and its cultivation. Later, 10 beneficiaries were selected from those participants, who received support in the form of equipment and mushroom bags, to establish their own production. Currently, all 10 productons are fully equipped and ready to operate at full capacity. 

At the press conference held in the press hall of “Armenpress” Arman Valesyan, “Sustainable Communities” programme manager, mentioned that last year they started implementing the initiative for residents of the border settlements of Gegharkunik region. 36 participants have already participated in theoretical and practical courses. Currently, 10 beneficiaries have been selected and will soon receive equipment and building materials to establish their productions. 

“Providing support is in several directions. First, professional courses are held: theoretical and practical. Participants take an exam. The best ones are already getting practical support to start a small business. In particular, we provide a humidification, ventilation system, an air conditioner, an automatic process control system, necessary building materials for the improvement of the area, as well as 50 bags,” said Arman Valesyan. 

Mkhitar Balayan, an expert of the UNDP “Sustainable Communities” programme, noted that in the near future they plan to implement the project also for residents of the border settlements of Chambarak community of Gegharkunik marz of RA and displaced people from Nagorno-Karabakh who have established permanent residence in the community. The border settlements included in the project are Chambarak, Vahan, Ttujur, Jil, Artanish, Tsapatagh. 

“All those who have a desire can apply. A closed area of at least 30 square meters. We will visit the settlements on the ground to familiarize them with the possibilities of the project. The main purpose of the project is to provide additional income. Residents in those settlements have a problem of lack of income and will be able to fill that gap through hay production,” said Mkhitar Balayan.