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Honey-Money Project Concludes Training in Aragatsotn, Ararat, and Syunik


The Honey-Money project, part of the UNDP’s “Sustainable Communities” programme, recently concluded a series of successful beekeeping trainings in the Aragatsotn, Ararat, and Syunik regions. The two-day “Professional Development of Beekeepers” course specifically targeted Nagorno-Karabakh refugees settled in these regions, with a total of 136 beekeepers participating.
Throughout the program, an expert covered topics such as breeding queen bees, various bee breeds, methods of disease control, honey preservation, and sales skills.
Upon completion, all participants passed a final exam, earning certificates to recognize their achievement. 84 participants who successfully passed the exam received ППУ beehives.

Participation details are as follows:

  • Aragatsotn region: 34 participants, with 22 selected beneficiaries.
  • Ararat region: 19 participants, with 15 selected beneficiaries.

Syunik region: Two trainings were conducted:

  • In Kapan: 26 participants, with 13 selected beneficiaries.
  • In Sisian: 57 participants, with 34 selected beneficiaries.

Notably, 41 female beekeepers actively engaged in the training.


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