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Sustainable energy in Aigavan, Lusarat and Urtsadzor settlements

Comfortable Living Solar PV System

As part of the UNDP “Sustainable Communities” Solar24 project, the settlements of Aigavan, Lusarat, and Urtsadzor in the enlarged Vedi community of the Ararat region were provided with 10 kW solar panels and 50 LED street lights. In total, approximately 1,500 meters of roads were illuminated in each settlement.

The installation of 10 kW solar panels and LED lamps will enable the community to significantly reduce electricity costs. Residents of Lusarat are happily celebrating, saying, “Now we can safely let the children play in the yard until late in the evening because the lighting problem has been solved.”

The project’s goal is to modernize the energy infrastructure of communities and settlements, improve the quality of lighting, enhance safety, boost productivity, and promote general well-being.

This year, the Solar24 program is being implemented in the Ararat, Armavir, Aragatsotn, and Kotayk marzes. The project is carried out with an 80/20 co-financing structure, where 80% of the total cost is covered by UNDP and 20% by the community.

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