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Expired 12-Feb-2024

Oyster Mushroom

The “Oyster Mushroom” Project is coming to Chambarak

The Economic Development Initiative “Oyster Mushroom” is Coming to Chambarak

The goal of the economic development initiative “Kahasnik Production” is to support the residents of rural areas in Armenia to establish Oyster Mushroom production to generate additional income. The initiative is implemented with the support of the Sustainable Communities Program of the United Nations Development Program.*Who Can Apply for the Program?
Residents of border settlements in the Chambarak community of Gegharkunik Marz, as well as displaced persons* now living in the Chambarak community, who are 18 years old and have RA citizenship, can apply for the program.

The list of border settlements included in the course is as follows:
– Camp
– Sour Water
– Jill
– Brand
– Flattened

*Displaced persons can be from any settlement in the Chambarak community.

How Will the Selection Be Made?
After filling out the application, the applicants who pass the preliminary selection stage will participate in the Oyster Mushroom production course. Participants who successfully complete the course and have favorable conditions will receive the necessary equipment and sacks of hay to start their own production.

How to Submit an Application:
To apply, you need to fill out the application at the following link: https://form.jotform.com/240173578665465

Deadline for Applications:
February 12

Contact Information:
For any questions, call +374 44 302042.